01. Creating a brand universe for an innovative snack company
Brand identity
Brand strategy
Visual identity

Brand identity and strategy
Kanskje noe tekst her. Også kanskje ha mindre tekst over og skrive noe inn her.

Visual Identity
Kanskje noe tekst her. Også kanskje ha mindre tekst over og skrive noe inn her.

The goal is to want to establish the company as the main manufacturer in the healthy snacks market. Given the nutritional values of the product it has a a clear advantage on competitors that the company want to focus on and communicate to possible customers.
It is especially important to state that the product is low in fat and high in protein.
Make clear that their product is a snack but also: healthy, sustainable and safe to consume.
To accomplish this the company needs to build a completely new brand identity from scratch.
To create a brand that has the possibility to grow, the most important thing was to create an overall brand name that can encompass other a multitude of different products. With a brand identity based on great insights learned from qualitative research, Aert is here to:
To inspire you to enjoy everyday of the week. To make healthy products that make you feel good, and help you to be more sustainable.
The visual identity reflects the brands personality: Considerate, simple and inspiring.